The mobile application will find parking in Dubai

The Dubai Roads and Transport Committee (RTA) has launched the new Smart Roads app, which informs you about the current traffic situation and the availability of parking spaces. Thanks to him, drivers will be able to get up-to-date information about the traffic situation, plan a route taking into account traffic jams, find out about the availability of parking spaces (so far only along the Sheikh Zayed highway in the direction of Abu Dhabi) and the distance from the car to the nearest available space, including places in municipal multi-storey parking lots.

Earlier, the committee presented the services of Smart Taxi, a new application for the Salik road toll system, Google Glass glasses with an information and navigation program for Dubai and others. In total, RTA introduced 53 services available from mobile and stationary computer devices, and more 22 are under development.

Watch the video: How To Guides: Reserving Parking (May 2024).