Garden of Symbols


An exalted, full of metaphors and secret meanings presentation took place in the courtyard of the Royal Majlis of the Emirates Golf Club and consisted of a press conference, tea party and cocktail party. The guests walked around the green courtyard, which turned into the Garden of Symbols, enjoyed the view of Dubai Marina's skyscrapers in the distance and got acquainted with the history of the house, the most striking works of the past and the latest innovations.

La Nature de Chaumet collection is a new look at the familiar sources of inspiration of the brand, which originated in 1780, his statement about nature and life.

The collection is pierced by four motifs, four attributes of the ancient gods: laurel, ear of wheat, oats and lily. Chaumet has been exploring these symbols from its very foundation and has achieved incredible craftsmanship in this.

Chaumet jewelers have always been interested in nature, its freedom and grace, strength and generosity. She gave the House its unique style: rich traditions, old-fashioned tact and lively elegance.

The union of nature and culture, wild and sophisticated ... Chaumet choose among all the flowers and plants those that have the greatest symbolic meaning. In a new four-part collection, the craftsmanship traditions and the subtle Chaumet technique stand at the service of emotions, art and miracles.

Flowers on thin stems, leaves around exotic fruits, wild grasses surrounded by insects, later fruitful golden years - this is how nature looks in the interpretation of Chaumet. This collection is a look at the symbolic herbarium that Chaumet has been collecting all his life. Despite all the changes and innovations, their style always remains true to tradition. The laurel, wheat ears, oats and lily are depicted very accurately, the decorations are either luxurious or very simple, but movement, height and volume are always felt in them. Noble strength and grace, careful composition and attention to detail, love of paradoxes and contrasts. Chaumet's nature is no less alive than real. And the Chaumet hymn jewelry is an eternal life cycle: herbs, flowers and trees first give buds and then bloom.

Watch the video: Chinese Symbols for Garden (May 2024).