The pope sent a message of love to 170 thousand believers

Pope Francis celebrates a mass at the Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi.

Dubai, UAE. Pope Francis concluded his first historic visit to the Arabian Peninsula with a solemn mass at the Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi. More than 170 thousand believers gathered to meet with the head of the Vatican.

Those who did not have enough space in the stadium could watch the live broadcast on the screens at the entrance to the stadium. In addition, the ceremony was broadcast in the Catholic churches in the UAE and even on board the Emirate Airlines.

The pope sent a message of love and peace to believers: "Jesus brought the love of the Lord into our world. Thanks to her, he defeated death, sin, fear and lack of spirituality. Only by the power of divine love."

At the end of the mass, the Pope thanked the UAE authorities who organized his visit: "the children of Zayed and the house of Zayed." The pontiff left the stadium to the applause of those gathered in a G-Wagen car, also known as a papamobile, and set off for Rome with Etihad Airways.

Watch the video: WRAP Pope attends events for World Youth Day (May 2024).